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Conditional Encryption/Decryption

In the overview, we saw a general flow for how to interact with fairyring. In particular, the chain provides functionality on requesting specific encryption keys corresponding to conditions set by the developer.

We provide a more detailed explanation in this section via an example. Suppose one wishes to create a sealed-bid auction application. A sealed-bid auction is an auction mechanism in which bids submitted to the auction are not made available to the participants during the course of the auction. Using fairyring as a mechanism for encrypting the bids, a developer wanting to create this application will take the following steps:

  1. For each auction, request a new condition id from fairyring. This condition id will be crucial for encrypting the bids.
  2. Provide users with some functionality to encrypt their bids. This can be done using our encrypter tool.
  3. Accept and store the encrypted bids within the applcation. This logic will primarily be the responsibility of the application developer.
  4. Have a way to notify fairyring that the auction has concluded. This can be built into the application itself (meaning the chain initiates the request for decryption to fairyring) or can be a simple keeper that notifies fairyring when a certain condition has been met (end of auction).
  5. Relay the decryption key from fairyring to the application. This can be done using our FairyPort tool.

Requesting a new condition id

Any user can request a new condition id by running the command

fairyringd tx pep request-general-identity 30s testing123 --from wallet1 --chain-id fairyring_devnet --home ./devnet_data/fairyring_devnet --keyring-backend test --gas-prices 1ufairy -y 2>&1
  • testing123 is the custom identity, it can be anything you want, but it can only be used once per address

Querying identities

You can also query the chain to find the identities that have been generated via the command

fairyringd q pep list-general-identities

Requesting a decryption key

Once encrypted data has been committed by users of your application, you need to notify fairyring to generate the decryption key. To start the generation process, one can run the command

fairyringd tx pep request-general-decryption-key [req-id] --from wallet1 --chain-id fairyring_devnet --home ./devnet_data/fairyring_devnet --keyring-backend test --gas-prices 1ufairy -y 2>&1

Remember the req-id is different from the identity, req-id is: {YOUR_ADDRESS}/{IDENTITY}

Let's say you address is fairy18hl5c9xn5dze2g50uaw0l2mr02ew57zkynp0td and you requested identity testing123

Then your request id would be fairy18hl5c9xn5dze2g50uaw0l2mr02ew57zkynp0td/testing123

  • The generated decryption key can only be queried by the identity creator

Decrypting and executing

Using the generated decryption key, we are now able to decrypt previously encrypted data. The x/pep module provides some functionality to automatically handle the decryption and execution of transactions once a particular decryption key is made available.