🍄 Fairblock: Building Basic Apps Using Simple Encrypted Transactions
‼️ All code within this tutorial is purely educational, and it is up to the readers discretion to build their applications following industry standards, practices, and applicable regulations.
Fairblock offers various MPC schemes for fun and novel dynamic confidential computation. One MPC scheme it offers is tIBE, where the FairyRing network is used to generate public keys for encryption and their respective decryption keys, based on a specific id, otherwise referred to as a "condition." This tutorial will guide you through using a simple Bash script to encrypt and send transactions in Fairblock with execution conditions based on a specific block height. The repo can be found here.
Conditions can take the shape of anything, be it price of an asset, interest rates, etc.
By default, apps developed on FairyRing can use FairyRing block height as the specific condition at which the respective decryption key will be generated to decrypt and trigger execution for a encrypted transaction. The encrypted messages within this tutorial are referred to, for lack of better term, as a "bank msg" where one sends tokens and a memo, all of which are encrypted.
By the end, you'll understand how to:
- Send encrypted messages and token transfers using FairyRing and its inherit functionalities leveraging aspects such as
module. More specifically:- Create and sign transactions on Fairblock
- Encrypt transactions for deferred execution
- Retrieve transaction status and results
- Extract specific information from the decrypted messages using FairyRing. This information can be useful for creating your own specific apps leveraging this small sample of confidential computation possibiliities.
Demo Quick Start
To run this demo, simply download this repo, and switch to this specific feature branch, feat-auction
git clone https://github.com/Fairblock/fairyring.git
gco feat-auction
Now, simply run:
make devnet-up
Upon running the ./bankMsgWithMemoAndDecryption.sh
script, you will be prompted for the following basic inputs required to:
- Specify the recipient of said bank message,
- Encrypt the message with a target block height,
- Submit the encrypted transaction to the blockchain,
- Monitor the network for transaction processing, and show the decrypted result
Demo Details
The provided bash script, bankMsgWithMemoAndDecryption.sh
, does the following:
Step | Description |
Takes User Input | Asks for a FairyRing recipient address, the amount of uFairy to transfer, the wallet account name sending funds, and a note for the transaction that acts as the message to be encrypted. |
Gets Required Info | Fetches your public key, account address, account number, and sequence number from the list of devwallets available for the demo dev net. |
Creates a Transaction | Generates an unsigned transaction with the specified details. |
Signs the Transaction | Uses the specified account's dev net credentials to sign it securely. |
Uses x/pep Module to Encrypt the Transaction | Uses the standard convention of encrypting a message. |
Submits the Encrypted Transaction | Sends it to the local devnet. |
Waits for Confirmation | Watches the local FairyRing devnet blockchain height and checks when your transaction is included. |
Lists Decrypted Transactions | Once confirmed, it retrieves and displays the decrypted transaction. |
Through using the FairyRing network, the following perks for said transaction are achieved:
- Transaction details private using encryption.
- Ensures proper signing so transactions are valid.
- The script making it easy to interact with the FairyRing blockchain while keeping your transactions private!
Frequently Used CLI Commands
The output decrypted data is in JSON format. Developers are encouraged to parse the encrypted message for whatever data they may need for their own app design. This is where the true creative freedom comes into play!
The following are CLI commands one can use within their own scripts to work with encrypted transactions at a rudimental level, including extracting information as needed. Expand the toggle to see its details.
There are numerous ways to work with JSON files, we simply use jq
within the following CLI commands shown and our demo script within this repo. See the official jq
download docs here.
Commonly Used CLI Commands Shown in This Tutorial
Fetch the Public Key for Encryption
- Use this in your app if you need to encrypt messages or transactions.
fairyringd query pep show-active-pub-key -o json | jq -r '.active_pubkey.public_key'
Getting a FairyRing Account Address
- Essential if you're writing a wallet integration.
fairyringd keys show $ACCOUNT_NAME -a --keyring-backend test --home devnet_data/fairyring_devnet
Create an Unsigned Transaction
- Builds a raw transaction JSON to be signed afterwards.
fairyringd tx bank send $ACC_ADDR $RECIPIENT $AMOUNT --generate-only -o json
Get Account Number (for offline signing)
- Your application might need this if it manually constructs and signs transactions.
fairyringd query auth account $ACC_ADDR -o json | jq -r '.account.value.account_number'
Get Sequence Number (Nonce)
- Obtaining the nonce is helpful when signing to prevent replay attacks.
fairyringd query pep show-pep-nonce $ACC_ADDR -o json | jq -r '.pep_nonce.nonce'
Signs the Transaction Locally
- This allows offline signing, useful for hardware wallets or remote signing services.
If your app needs to handle user signing, it can call:
fairyringd tx sign unsigned.json --from $ACCOUNT_NAME --offline --account-number $ACC_NUM --sequence $ACC_SEQ
Encrypting the Signed Transaction
Use the following to actually encrypt the transaction where one has to specify the target height, respective public key, and signed transaction.
fairyringd encrypt $TARGET_HEIGHT $PUBKEY "$SIGNED"
Submitting the Encrypted Transaction:
Use the below command to submit the encrypted transaction with a specified target height for decryption.
fairyringd tx pep submit-encrypted-tx $ENCRYPTED $TARGET_HEIGHT
Extracting the Transaction Hash (For Tracking)
Use the below command to extract the transaction hash that can be used to monitor the transaction status.
echo "$TX_SUBMISSION_OUTPUT" | grep -oE "txhash: [A-Fa-f0-9]+" | awk '{print $2}'
Wait for Confirmation & Retrieves the Decrypted Transaction
This command monitors block height until the transaction is executed, and fetches decrypted transactions for further processing:
- This can be used to display decrypted transaction details in your app.
fairyringd list-decrypted-txs $TARGET_HEIGHT --output json | jq
How You Can Use These Commands in Your Own App
- Build your own app that uses the rudimentary encrypted transaction functionality with FairyRing.
- Automate transaction workflows → Utilize contract call-back, and thus feth and process decrypted transactions once confirmed automatically.
- Build a transaction explorer → Extract TX hashes and track status.
Next Steps
Congratulations! You have now seen an example of encrypting a transaction with a message and transfer amount.
There are several next steps you can take now anon.
- Check out the actual time capsule demo app on the FairyRing testnet here.
- Check out our other quick starts to see how to build with other networks integrating into FairyRing in our docs.
- Join our discord and discuss new build ideas! We host frequent developer hours to encourage more novel ideas with confidential computation.
Further tutorials will be shared to showcase how to create more generic applications using general conditions
instead of the default block height
condition id used currently within FairyRing.