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Troubleshooting fairyring

Sequence mismatch or Invalid Signature

When sending transactions using the fairyringd binary, If you get sequence mismatch / Invalid Signature error:

  1. Make sure the chain-id is set correctly:
fairyringd config

The command above will show you the binary config:

"chain-id": "fairyring-testnet-1",
"keyring-backend": "test",
"output": "text",
"node": "tcp://localhost:26657",
"broadcast-mode": "sync"

Make sure the chain-id is set correctly, the chain id for latest testnet is fairyring-testnet-1 and you can update it in $HOME/.fairyring/config/client.toml

  1. If you are validator and running fairyringclient, stop it and wait for around 10 seconds (2 blocks), then try sending the transaction again.

Error reconnecting to peer

When running the node, if you get error like this:

Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr={"id":"21f2101e89236698274555b985822857c3ec5918","ip":"","port":24756} err="incompatible: peer is on a different network. Got fairyring-2, expected fairyring-testnet-1" module=p2p tries=7`

It means your chain id is incorrect, you can update it by following this

Gentx bonded token amount confusion

Currently 10000000000ufairy is the suggested amount. It is recommended to bond the amount not less than the suggested amount if you would like to participate in submitting keyshares, because there is a minimum bonded token requirement when registering as a validator in the keyshare module.

fairyring binary log error messages

These error messages can be ignored if it shows up in the logs:

  • ERR Last executed height not exists module=x/pep
  • Beginblocker get keys err module=x/pep
  • ERR port ID (pep) channel ID (): channel not found module=x/pep
  • Latest height does not exists in EndBlock module=x/pep

This occurs when there are no destination chains connected to fairyring.

Validator Status: Unbonding or Jailed

You can check your validator status by the following command:

fairyringd query staking validators -o json | jq

When your validator status is showing Unbonding like this:

"operator_address": "fairyvaloper1zrpp7dfav7kancgse2peh3k98u9ueajwhmnm3y",
"consensus_pubkey": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",
"key": "03vG/iogYilO9qeSoVIJIZl6QC3ARWFgqSwhQ621z3g="
"jailed": false,

or Jailed like this:

"operator_address": "fairyvaloper1zrpp7dfav7kancgse2peh3k98u9ueajwhmnm3y",
"consensus_pubkey": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",
"key": "03vG/iogYilO9qeSoVIJIZl6QC3ARWFgqSwhQ621z3g="
"jailed": true,

You can run the following command to unjail your validator:

fairyringd tx slashing unjail \
  --from=<YOUR KEY NAME> \
  --chain-id=fairyring-testnet-1 \
  --gas=auto \