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The ShareGenerationClient is currently responsible for performing verifiable secret sharing for keyshares. Keyshares will be rotated every N blocks meaning that the master public key (used for encrypting transactions), keyshares and keyshare commitments (used for submitting to fairyring) will be different every round. The keyshares submitted to FairyRing are encrypted with the public key of registered validators. The master public key will also be submitted to fairyring (along with keyshare commitments and number of validators) at the beginning of every round.

This tutorial explains how to interact with FairyRing to get the encrypted key shares.

Getting Encrypted Key Share & Public Key

fairyringd q keyshare show-active-pub-key -o json | jq

Fetches all encrypted keyshares & public key for the current & next round.

Keep in mind that the keyshare will be rotated every N blocks. Make sure to send the share request every N blocks for the latest keyshare.

Example Output

"activePubKey": {
"publicKey": "91efe43e750ed1290a2ffe18a2ad4263587fe09cdd50476ce9e819ad85b754d9998b8f3c5615db6424b1361c7c3a31d5",
"creator": "fairy10tq25z63m3fedlwmtssf5g5qzh9zsjswvmcxc9",
"expiry": "55",
"numberOfValidators": "1",
"encryptedKeyShares": [
"data": "sN+aiOYCJRrqzdumder0uALKACAcTbu9pILB82reU1vHdp6rl3wol0OFuAomIZXoafE3JQAgZ+RYrmxxCjd7uoJuKo+AgZXD0FQ2RE/vYWIP39+J8VO5yrbtrZ9DddfcNCBEoQuRNkieEUyyl1hAckXanPMR+CzF343AGioVlS5PVli+4ry2QNQK8ZLQUW5ILKHbbZGInd7eQ/79DjsBPI4U5m/KLQ==",
"validator": "fairy18hl5c9xn5dze2g50uaw0l2mr02ew57zkynp0td"
"queuedPubKey": {
"publicKey": "8d16c3f9a799db33aae1891fbeceab3ae810a9da3af513f5e4afb4236f07dea7685246675909eb5c5f65720ad8deb646",
"creator": "fairy10tq25z63m3fedlwmtssf5g5qzh9zsjswvmcxc9",
"expiry": "105",
"numberOfValidators": "1",
"encryptedKeyShares": [
"data": "rJBNYnOA1BK0Cot4YT3bCgLKACBYO5CpT2UM5QWWf7h9qAq88eEEZIbM/iYzgyiBZoz63QAgbXtaLkZHqsY0IKeFfpbK+pNPuYXIJsH3pRe0vYSgo1VDTx/FbEVlt4WhW/w1nsyaX17ymLeGem1Hj/izu4IqBayeUOVHioiswDbRu2OSyliwbx09iRaQfISBKWseHcuEKQTWtfp6KZdd/GfP3C7k8Q==",
"validator": "fairy18hl5c9xn5dze2g50uaw0l2mr02ew57zkynp0td"
  • activePubKey is the key shares and public key data for the current round
  • queuedPubKey is the key shares and public key data for the next round
  • publicKey, the public key / encryption key for the given round.
  • creator is the creator address of the round
  • expiry, block number of the key shares expires.
  • numberOfValidators total number of validators for the round.
  •, keyshare encrypted with encryptedKeyShares.validator validator public key.