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Submitting keyshares to fairyring

This tutorial goes over on different ways to submit keyshares to fairyring and in particular, to the keyshare module. Make sure you have installed fairyring prior to following the instructions below.


In order to be able to submit keyshare to fairyring, there are few requirements:

  1. You are a validator in the staking module with a minimum 10000000000ufairy staked. Check if you are currently a validator as well as how many tokens you have staked with the following command:
fairyringd q staking validators
  1. You registered as a validator in the fairyring keyshare module. Check if you are in the validator set with following command:
fairyringd q keyshare list-validator-set

You can register as a validator in the keyshare module with the following command (replace YOUR_WALLET_NAME with your account name in your keyring):

fairyringd tx keyshare register-validator --from YOUR_WALLET_NAME

NOTE: If you are submitting keyshares with fairyringclient, you can skip registering as a validator because the client will do it for you.


fairyringclient is a tool which: 1. Fetches your master keyshare from our ShareGenerationClient 2. Computes the derived keyshare every block 3. Automatically submits the derived keyshare to fairyring every block.

This is the recommended way to submit keyshares. Make sure you have completed the steps in the prerequisites prior to following the instructions below.

  1. Download & Install fairyringclient by the following command:
cd $HOME
git clone
cd fairyringclient
go mod tidy
go install
  1. Initialize the fairyringclient config:
fairyringclient config init
  1. Check the client config:
fairyringclient config show

Example output of the command:

Using config file: /Users/fairblock/.fairyringclient/config.yml
GRPC Endpoint:
FairyRing Node Endpoint:
Chain ID: fairyring-testnet-1
Chain Denom: ufairy
InvalidSharePauseThreshold: 5
MetricsPort: 2222
  1. Update the client config:
fairyringclient config update

Here are the flags for updating different field of the config:

  • --chain-id CHAIN_ID, CHAIN_ID is the chain id you are working with, the current default is fairyring-testnet-1
  • --denom DENOM, DENOM is the token denom of the chain, default is ufairy
  • --grpc-port PORT, PORT is the gRPC port of the node you are connecting to, default is 9090
  • --ip IP, IP is the IP address of the node you are connecting to, default is ""
  • --metrics-port METRICS_PORT, METRICS_PORT is the port for Prometheus metrics to listen to, default is 2222
  • --pause-threshold THRESHOLD, stops the client if it submits THRESHOLD invalid keyshares in a row, default is 5
  • --port NODE_PORT, NODE_PORT is the port of the node you are connecting to, default is 26657
  • --protocol PROTOCOL, PROTOCOL is the protocol of the node you are connecting to, default is "http"
  1. Add validator account private key
fairyringclient keys set "private key in hex"

The private key should be the validator address that is staking on FairyRing chain


> fairyringclient keys set f5c691d4b53ec8c3a3ad35e88525f9b8f33d307b3414c93f1b856265409a3a04
Using config file: /Users/fairblock/.fairyringclient/config.ymlSuccessfully added cosmos private key to config!
  1. Check the key is added to the client correctly:
> fairyringclient keys show
Using config file: /Users/fairblock/.fairyringclient/config.yml
Private Key: f5c691d4b53ec8c3a3ad35e88525f9b8f33d307b3414c93f1b856265409a3a04

The [0] at the beginning of the key is the index of your key, which is used to delete the key

  1. Start the client:
fairyringclient start

The log will look something like this when it started submitting keyshare:

2023/01/01 00:00:00 Latest Block Height: 12345 | Deriving Share for Height: 12346
2023/01/01 00:00:00 Current Share Expires at: 20000 | {01 5a3cc54cb8fc2cae480a58d2922d84d69376726ed859615c6bd869154cb4ccc2}
2023/01/01 00:00:00 [0] Submit KeyShare for Height 12345 Confirmed


If you run into any issues, please refer to the troubleshooting section

Submitting via fairyring directly

You can submit keyshare with the fairyringd binary manually. First ensure that the requirements are met before proceeding.

fairyringd tx keyshare send-keyshare [keyshare-in-hex] [keyshare-index] [block-height] --from YOUR_ACCOUNT

Here is an example command with arguments:

fairyringd tx keyshare send-keyshare "8d9627890df55aab18188538f7d412fb03fc85ccb953c179e49a9a87e94938f414dabb308ae15e6a720a57494526c35504a49d13719718dac8ed2fabace0a1c4466e257f51d1b9243c1a519126a3024ef992b2ebe3ae965a2e9305b7247a6aa6" 1 1 --from alice

Explanation on the example command:

  • 8d9627...a6aa6 is the derived keyshare encoded in hex format.
  • The first 1 is the keyshare index, which is a number starting from 1.
  • The second 1 is the keyshare height, which is the height that the keyshare derived from.
  • --from alice is the account name you are sending the keyshare from, alice is in this case.